Here at The Edge we want to ensure you have a happy, safe and effective healing process.
In order to meet these promises we use adhesive bandages,
a clear bandage that is applied to your tattoo after completion. If your artist does not use the adhesive bandage, skip over that section of the aftercare process.
Keep it on for around 48 hours.
Normal showering and activity is fine, however do not excessively soak, submerge it under any water, or expose it or the bandage to any pool, ocean, river, lake, pond water, or other liquids. If the adhesive bandage begins coming off, do not stick it back down, instead remove the plastic early. Additionally, the adhesive bandage will accrue body fluids and ink underneath, your tattoo is not falling out or staining your skin. However, if you notice water, not just normal body fluids, is underneath the wrap, then it also must come off early.
Whenever is convenient toward the end of the 48 hour period, remove the adhesive bandage. Clean your hands with antibacterial soap first. Removing it at the end of a hot shower can make it more comfortable. When you go to remove it, get a corner of the adhesive wrap up, and pull it away from itself slow and steady until it is off. If it tears, begin the process again from the next logical corner.
Once removed, hand wash the area gently with skin to skin contact using antibacterial soap and warm water. Afterwards let it air dry.
Wait until the area is completely air dried to apply any moisturizer. The main theme of how to moisturize your tattoo is to apply it frequently and lightly. Ensuring that only enough to keep the area moisturized is applied, as you do not want to suffocate the area with over application of the moisturizer. The first near week of moisturizing should be done using Aquaphor, no other ointments such as A&D, Neosporin, or triple antibiotic should be used. This should be done as needed to address dryness or itchiness with light layers. Enough that it ideally wont need reapplication for two to three hours, but not a thick layer. This can be upkept, until the flaky flecks of dry skin come off, and the heightened itchiness of the early stage of the healing process is over. Following that stage, an unscented undyed lotion will be used. A thicker lotion such as a Palmer’s Cocoa Butter is best as it requires less frequent reapplication. If any product stings when applied, do not use it again. There should be no visible moisturizer left on the skin. If you do over apply, then moisturize to the areas around the tattoo, or blot away as needed. Avoid wiping away the excess.
Moisturize throughout the day, to preserve a healthy moisturized skin quality. Dryness or itchiness are indicators that an additional application is needed. This will likely last around 4 more weeks. Continue moisturizing as needed indefinitely.
In the early stages the tattoo area will look red and irritated for a bit, this is normal, as you did just get stabbed with a needle.
During the healing process it is also normal for the area to flake and maybe lightly scab,
DO NOT PICK OR SCRATCH AT YOUR TATTOO, rather continue to moisturize.
Contact your tattoo artist with any questions or concerns, we are here for the entire process and to answer any questions you may have.
Clean bedding and clothing are important, as dirt, body oils and other substances can find their way into your new tattoo.
For the first 2-3weeks, avoid any activity that would involve soaking the tattoo or the tattooed area for any amount of time. This includes baths, hot tubs, swimming in pools of any kind, ocean water, lake water, pond water, any liquid, etc.... Regular showering is fine. The tattoo only needs to be cleaned with antibacterial soap the one time that the bandage comes off. If the tattoo is made unusually dirty within the first 72 hours of healing, use the antibacterial soap to clean it at that time. Any further cleaning should be done in a normal daily shower with soap that does not irritate your skin or sting. DO NOT WASH EXCESSIVELY, it will dry your tattoo and cause improper healing.
It is VERY important to keep a new tattoo out of the sun, as the skin is already traumatized. Any other damage such as a sun burn will have increasingly adverse effects on your new tattoo healing properly. The most important thing to do in the long term is to use SPF 45 or stronger sunscreen, reapplying every 2 hours anytime your tattoo is subject to the sun. The sun can damage Tattoos through clothing, so UPF clothing or using SPF under your clothing is the best way to remain protected.
Keep in mind that the sun will fade your tattoos at any point. Therefore, if you want to keep those pigments bold, bright, and beautiful and details from blobbing up, then invest in sun protection. Apply this at least every 2 hours and do not use alcohol based sunscreen.
We guarantee our work and offer free touch ups within the first three months with the artist who originally did your tattoo. You must contact the artist inside of the three month period. This policy does have some exceptions depending on the area of the body the tattoo is located. Additional exceptions exist if the aftercare procedures are not properly followed. It is very easy to tell, for many different reasons.
There are a million different ways that people claim the healing process should be handled, this method is what we recommend, as this is what has worked best for us. Please do not refer to the advice of a non-professional or an artist who did not do your tattoo for something as important as the safety of your body and the quality of your permanent artwork.
If you have any question on your tattoo during the healing process, please call our studio at:
(860) 644-1021
secondarily, email :
By direct message on your artist’s Instagram